Fat Reduction

Developed to get rid of these stubborn extra inches. CoolSculpting freezes away fat. This innovative, non-invasive treatment gently but effectively reduces fat with the power of cold. Fat cells are simply cooled with an applicator. Compared to many other fat reduction treatments, with this technology healthy skin cells do remain intact. Find Miami deals!

Ultracavitation Treatment
Exercise and proper diet are the best ways to loose weight, however, sometimes there are those stubborn extra inches that just don’t want to let go. Non-Invasive Treatment such as Ultrasonic Cavitation or Lipolaser methods might be able to give you some extra boost.

Marc K. Weinberg, DC – North Miami Beach
Marc K. Weinberg has a Chiropractor Clinic in North Miami Beach and he is offering an interesting deal: A combination between a Vibration-Plate Session and Laser-Lipo. Both of these offers are able to target some of the stubborn pounds and may reduce fat. In regards to the vibration plate, some research does show that whole-body […]

Zerona Laser Treatment
An alternative to Liposuction, Zerona treatments can gently and safely contour a trouble spot — and get you bikini-ready before summertime – thanks to noninvasive cold laser technology:
It is FDA-cleared and works to liquefy fat cells in thighs, stomach, or hips. It breaks down fat cells, which can then be processed by the body naturally.